Thursday, November 14, 2019

Produce Good

I am always on the lookout for a good service project and I have recently fallen in love with gleaning. Gleaning is taking good that would otherwise go to waste and collecting it for the poor and needy. It is one of the oldest forms of charity.  It was actually required of farmers to leave part of the harvest for gleaners in the ancient world.

Gleaning helps feed people in need and reduces food waste.  You can do it with your kids and it gives you a chance to work in the dirt, which I find very therapeutic.  Plus, it is easy to do on the weekends.

In San Diego, I have been volunteering with Produce Good.  Here is their web site:

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Exactly! I wish people understood that machine learning isn't just plug-and-play. You have to understand what it can learn and what it can't. Some tools work better with some problems. Others work better with other problems. It is a toolset and you need to know when to use which tool and in what circumstances.